Easy, fast and safe way to optimize

Eliminate Lags, Lower Latency, Boost FPS*.

Version | STABLE BETA | 06.11.24
Windows 10/11

14 000+

PCs optimized every day

4 000 000+

Users all around the world

Based on unique IP with HWID included requests

Join CommunityX - our discord server where we help each other.

UP TO 45%


Based on average results of our users.

*FPS boost depends on your hardware.

10 000+


We do care. Contact us.



Full time development.

Our designer added this text area.
But we don't know what else
we can add here 🙂


Introducing TweaX!
AI powered assistant that will assist you in optimizing and troubleshooting issues related to your PC.

Bluetooth is not working

If your Bluetooth is not working, I can suggest a few solutions to the problem:

1. Check Bluetooth services. You need to make sure that Bluetooth services are enabled and running. To do this, go to the "Optimization" page in the


All settings display their current status, making it easier to control


Will be disabled​

BoosterX was initially designed for convenience. Simplicity is our key.

Save it!

You control everything! Make your own profile. Save it in our cloud and apply it on every windows reinstall

Need to know what the function does? Easy!

Function 1

Will be disabled




Your words are a support for us


I made my own design of BoosterX just for fun.

They hired me and now I am designing BoosterX.



My computer runs very smoothly now, from regular tasks to gaming. I get +100-150 fps in CS GO. I'm not sure how it happened, but I'll probably be buying the pro version.


The program optimizes both weak and more powerful PCs excellently. I have been using it for 7 days, and it's a pleasure to use, with a convenient and pleasant interface.

Tell us what you think about BoosterX


I am writing a ten-thousandth review of the fact that this booster is just overpowered. I'm sitting on my office graphics card playing all games at a minimum of 300 FPS.


Advanced game optimizations

Manage threads

We help. We search. Together.

We believe that optimizing Windows is not only about improving your computer's performance but also enhancing your productivity. Here, we share the best practices, useful tips, and tweaks to help you achieve the maximum potential of your system.